Whether it is for the visuals (in particular when there's Mysterio "behind"). Both scenes call these recent events into question, moving forward. Each of these two scenes bring astonishingly huge plot points for the future of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

One that is early, during the credits (and that is directly linked to the movie) and one that is at the very end of the credits. Exactly like Iron Man (the first movie) had been the first stone of all of this. And it definitely is a foundation for future stories to be told. There is a lot of elements that have been introduced in this Spider-Man movie. Such a perfect transition from the Marvel Cinematic Universe we all have known, up until Avengers Endgame. Especially when you often have to take responsibility of things that are much bigger than you. And how to see clear between all the things that happen on your journey. Who you can trust and what is believable or not (which by the way is what Mysterio is all about). The core of the movie is all about trust/believe and all the hard choices that come with it. With the questions that required to be asked when you constantly have to be the one who must step up. These are strong themes, and it nicely shows the complexity of evolving into a greater superhero. Also, the conflicted trajectory of Peter Parker as a teenager and as a superhero, with all the inherent dilemmas & choices. It's better than any other marvel ship that comes to my mind and thus just made the ending so satisfying for me.I really like the villain's motivations, his psychology and the way his "powers" appear (and are used) very interesting. Something about their relationship connected and really made me think they were destined to be together. The second thing, really what stood out about this movie is the chemistry between Gwen and Parker. Andrew Garfield got the Spider-Man half right - he captured the clever and witty personality of Spider-Man better than Maguire did. The swinging action is still the only movie that fully captures the agility of Spider-Man (the newer MCU ones don't really have these action shots) and the fight scenes are so cleverly made. There are things that don't work in this movie - personally, Peter Parker as a skate kid didn't do it for me, a couple unsolved plots, and Uncle Ben (where was the famous line?) but there were good things too The action and design of this movie was phenomenal. Honestly, it was better than what I thought it was, but definitely one of the weaker Spider-Man movies. So when I watched this movie for the first time (way after it had come out), I was under the impression that it was a pretty forgettable movie by the Marvel fandom and I just needed to watch it so I could understand what would happen in No Way Home.