Throughout the games, Jim travels to many planets and faces many villains who are after the suit. It's said that while inside the suit, he is 5'8" and weighs 154 lbs.

Upon discovering his new-found powers granted by the suit, he overhears Psy-Crow talking to Queen Slug-For-A-Butt, and becomes interested in meeting the queen's twin sister, Princess What's-Her-Name, setting up the events of the first game.

The suit's powerful atomic particles affected Jim's wormy flesh and caused him to grow and evolve at a fantastic rate. While fleeing from a flock of hungry crows Jim took refuge in the mysterious suit. The suit fell to earth, landing on a farm somewhere in the southern United States. A fearsome bounty hunter named Psy-Crow was En-route to deliver the " ultra-high-tech-indestructible-super-space-cyber-suit" to Queen Slug-for-a-Butt but got in a confrontation with another spaceship and lost the suit out of an airlock. For most of his life, Jim was just a generic earthworm engaging in normal worm activities, such as digging in dirt, crawling, and fleeing from hungry birds, until one day wherein fate should happen to smile upon him, and his life was changed forever.